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A leader in design and manufacturing of high-quality Expansion Joints since 2000 Top quality equipment for the maritime and wider industry, with an emphasis on quality, short delivery times and great flexibility. LEARN MORE

Bellows Hellas

Since 2000, Bellows Hellas has been designing and manufacturing high quality
Axial Expansion Joints, Impellers, Bunker Sampling Flanges, Flexible Metal Hoses
and Gaskets for both Shipping and broader Manufacturing Industries


Top quality Expansion Joints

Three pillars lay in the core of our business values and our product development: Technology – Innovation – Expertise.

Bellows Hellas is specialized in the manufacture of Expansion Joints with a widespread use in the Maritime and Manufacturing industries, where powerful pipeline systems are implemented. They are made with state-of-the-art technology, to absorb severe thermal expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes.

Their use ensures:

  • High resistance in pressure and heat fluctuation

  • High security levels

  • Reliability in spare parts sealing 

  • Easy assembly and efficiency

Our Main Principles

Our Expansion Joints are designed with the use of the latest CAD systems, enabling us to achieve 3D representation and high levels of construction accuracy.

News and updates

Everything you need to know about Bellows Hellas

27, Egaleo & Salaminos str. 
185 45 Piraeus, Greece

Telephone Numbers

+30 210 41 16 647
+30 210 41 34 155

Email Addresses

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