Chartering TermsRSS

Chartering Terms


Alfa - A = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( . - )Burgee flag= White at hoist, blue at the fly.When hoisted singly from a ship it means "Undergoing speed trial" (Kerchove).


1.Always Afloat.In some port the ship runs aground when approaching, or at berth. Usually linked to SB.Advanced Analysis group. Abbreviations used by ABS

Freight calculated on the value of the goods, expressed as a percentage.

Adderss commission

Additional chartering terms at the end of a charter party

The confirmed or official dimensions of a ship.

The hiring of a ship in whole or part

A fee charged to the ship by the ship's agent, representing payment for services while the ship was in port. Sometimes called attendance fee. AID - Agency for International Development.

Term in a charter party which stipulates that the ship must not be ordered to a port or berth where she would touch the bottom.

Voyage charter party (Americanised Welsh Coal Carterparty), used for shipments of coal from United States.

Element in the freight charged by a shipping line which reflects the additional costs of serving a particular area.

In the condition in which the subject mater is.

In marine insurance this phrase applies to a ship which is free from its moorings and ready to sail.


Bravo - B = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( - . . . ) Burgee flag= Red. When hoisted singly from a ship it means " I am discharging / loading explosives or flammable substances". Still widely used when bunkering.

Freight payable back to the port of loading or another convenient port when the vessel is unable to reach the port of destination.

Where a seller/shipper issues a 'letter of indemnity' in favour of the carrier in exchange for a clean bill of lading

Stays running from a masthead to the vessel's side, slanting a little aft. See STAYS.)

Hiring of a ship for a period of time during which the shipowner provides only the ship and the charterer provides the crew, all stores and bunkers and pays all operating costs.

Designates the owner who receives the benefits or profits from the operation.

When a liner cargo vessel accepts extra cargo to fill up the empty space remaining.

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