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Sea Words

Assembly and Installation

Automation and Robotics

Describing an anchor when it hangs by its ring at the cathead or from the hawsehole ready for letting go.

The situation of a vessel when she lies with all her sails furled and her helm lashed a-lee.

The situation of the helm when it is put in the opposite direction from that in which the wind blows.

When the cable is hove taut so as to bring the vessel nearly over her anchor. The yards are a-peek when they are topped up by contrary lifts.

Said of an anchor cable when its line angle approximates a continuation of the fore stay line .

In the direction of the stern. The opposite of ahead.

(See TAUNT.)

The situation of the anchor when it is raised clear of the ground. The same as a-weigh.

The situation of the helm when it is put in the direction from which the wind blows.

The same as a-trip.

Agency for International Development.

American Petroleum Institute

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Society For Testing and Materials. -- a society for developing standards for materials and test methods.

American Trucking Association.






Abbreviation for:- Against All Risks (insurance clause).- Association of American Railroads.

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