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See evaporative opportunity.



Video Display Terminal. An input and display device which includes a keyboard and a screen and allows a human to communicate with a computer.


A balloon designed to float at a constant pressure level. This may be accomplished by a pressure valve which controls the release of ballast so as to maintain flight above a selected pressure level until the supply of ballast is exhausted. See Moby Dick b ...


An atmometer consisting of a porous porcelain or ceramic container connected to a calibrated reservoir filled with distilled water. Evaporation is determined by the depletion of water in the reservoir.


Same as wind sock.


General term for an instrument used to make direct measurements of visual range or measurements of the physical characteristics of the atmosphere which determine the visible range.


An instrument used for the measurement of the reflecting, power (the albedo) of a surface. A pyranometer adapted for the measurement of radiation reflected from the earth's surface is sometimes employed as an albedometer.


The envelope of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by virtue of the earth's gravitational attraction. The system whose chemical Properties. dynamic motions, and physical processes constitute the subject matter of meteorolog ...


Same as ceiling light.


A general term for instruments designed to measure the amount of cloudiness.


The true freezing point of water. The temperature at which a mixture of air-saturated pure water and pure ice may exist in equilibrium at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.


Any quantity, such as force velocity, or acceleration, which has both magnitude and direction at each point in space, as opposed to scalar which has magnitude only. Such a quantity may be represented geometrically by an arrow of length proportional to its ...


Reduction of visibility by strong winds blowing across dry ground with little or no vegetation. Visibilities of 1/8 mile or less over a widespread area are criteria for a Blowing Dust Advisory.


A buoyant balloon kept from rising freely by means of a line secured to a point on the ground, as opposed to a free balloon. See kytoon.


A radar term for a single pulse of radio energy.


A thin metal disc partially evacuated of air used to measure atmospheric pressure by measuring its expansion and contraction.


Ragged low clouds, usually stratus fractus. Most often applied when such clouds are moving rapidly beneath a layer of nimbostratus.


Same as freezing point.


Interational thermometric scale on which the freezing point of water equals 0


Anemometer which measures wind speed by the speed of rotation of 3 or 4 hemispherical or conical cups, each fixed to the end of a horizontal arm projecting from a vertical axis. See condenser-discharge anemometer, contact anemometer. Compare to bridled-cu ...
