

A device which automatically records the water equivalent of snow on a given surface as a function of time. A small sample of a radioactive salt is placed in the ground in a shielded collimator which directs a beam of radioactive particles upwards. A Geig ...

An instrument for measuring radiant energy. See actinometer, Dines radiometer, photometer, Tulipian radiometer.

A balloon-borne instrument for the simultaneous measurement and transmission of meteorological data. It includes transducers for the measurement of pressure, temperature, and humidity; a modulator for the conversion of the output of the transducers to a q ...

A balloon used to carry a radiosonde aloft, considerably larger than pilot balloons or ceiling balloons.

A component of a radiosonde consisting of a series of alternate electrically conducting and insulating strips. As these are scanned by a contact the radiosonde transmits temperature and humidity signals alternately. The contact may be a baroswitch as in t ...

That part of an audio-modulated radiosonde consisting of the baroswitch, the sensing elements, the reference elements, and the relay.

An evaluation of upper air temperature, pressure, and humidity from radio signals received from a balloon- borne radiosonde.

An instrument, located at the surface observing station, which is used to record the data presented by a radiosonde aloft.

The component of the radiosonde which includes the modulating blocking oscillator and the radiofrequency carrier oscillator.

Apparatus consisting of (a) standard radiosonde and radiosonde ground equipment to obtain upper-air data on pressure, temperature, and humidity, and (b) a self-tracking radio direction-finder to provide the elevation and azimuth angles of the radiosonde s ...

Precipitation composed of liquid water drops more than 0.5 mm in diameter, failing in relatively straight, but not necessarily vertical, paths. Compare to drizzle.

Instrument for measuring the depth of water from precipitation that is assumed to be distributed over a horizontal, impervious surface and not subject to evaporation.

A device which surrounds a rain gauge and acts to maintain horizontal flow in the vicinity of the funnel so that the catch will not be influenced by eddies generated near the gauge. See Alter shield, Nipher shield, Wild fence.

An instrument which measures the instantaneous rate at which rain is falling on a given surface. Also called a rate-of-rainfall gauge.

Any one of a family of circular arcs consisting of concentric colored bands, arranged from red on the inside to blue on the outside, which may be seen on a "sheet" of water drops (rain, fog, spray). The most common of the many possible is the primary rain ...

An instrument which automatically determines the size distribution of raindrops.


Random Access Memory. The memory of a computer which can be read and written into at any location without passing through preceding locations.

A cone-tipped metal rod designed to be driven downward into deposited snow or firn. The measured amount of force required to drive the rod a given distance is an indication of the physical properties of the snow or firn.

Eluding precise prediction, completely irregular.

The inherent imprecision of a given process of measurement, the unpredictable component of repeated independent measurements of the same object under sensibly uniform conditions.