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An instrument for recording ocean waves. Most recorders are designed for recording wind waves, that is waves of periods up to about 25 seconds, but some are designed to record waves of longer periods such as tsunamis or tides.


Corrosion occurring under or around a discontinuous deposit on a metallic surface. Also called poultice corrosion.

Literally "not wet", containing no liquid.


The control of the quality, quantity, and temperature-humidity of the air in an interior space.

Category:Energy Terms

Discharging a battery to 20 percent or less of its full charge capacity.

Category:Energy Terms


Philippines (Flag)



Pilot Boat.


The potential difference at the junction of two dissimilar substances.




Abbreviation for "Just In Time." In this method of inventory control, warehousing is minimal or nonexistent; the container is the movable warehouse and must arrive "just in time;" not too early nor too late.

Category:Sea Words


Welded Minimum Wall tubing

Category:Sea Words

When a vessel's head falls off from the wind. To pay. To cover over with tar or pitch. To pay out. To slack up on a cable and let it run out.

A measure of the financial strength of a bank or securities firm, usually expressed as a ratio of.

Category:Financial Terms


Cargo Ship Safety Radio Telegraphy/Telephony Certificate


The simultaneous purchase and sale of two different, but closely related, securities to take.

Category:Financial Terms

An interior wall made of water filled containers for absorbing and storing solar energy.

Category:Energy Terms

A generic term for microstructures formed by diffusionless phase transformation in which the parent and product phases have a specific crystallographic relationship. Martensite is characterized by an acicular pattern in the microstructure in both ferrous ...

To tie something with a line; to secure

Category:Sea Words

A light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees. An anchor or riding light is an all-round light.

Category:Sea Words