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A class of power generator that is not a regulated utility and that has generating plants for the purpose of supplying electric power required in the conduct of their industrial and commercial operations.

Category:Energy Terms

(1) A nautical instrument, on the arc of which is a finely graduated scale showing degrees and minutes, with adjustable reflectors, etc.; used to find the altitude of heavenly bodies, angular distances, etc. (2) On a steering gear, the rudder quadrant is ...

Category:Sea Words

The process by which a negotiable instrument such as a Bill of exchange, Promissory Note or Cheque is transferred in good faith and for value. Negotiation only occurs when the transferring party receives value. In international trade this is normally an e ...

Category:Financial Terms

(EPS)Earning per Share (EPS) = Earnings / Number of Shares in Issue

Category:Financial Terms

See standard atmosphere.


Corrosion that occurs under some coatings in the form of randomly distributed threadlike filaments.

Direct current supplied by a device employing a power source external to the electrode system of a cathodic protection installation.

The country in which the vessel is registered.

Category:Sea Words

A line secured along the deck to lay hold of in heavy weather; a line thrown on board a wreck by life-saving crew; a knotted line secured to the span between life-boat davits for the use of the crew when hoisting and lowering

Category:Sea Words

Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends


Crude oils.

The date by which a shareholder must own shares in order to qualify for a.

Category:Financial Terms

A system of physical units based on the use of the centimeter, gram. and the second as elementary quantities of length. mass. and time.


A radiosonde whose carrier wave is modulated by audio-frequency signals whose frequency is controlled by the sensing elements of the instrument.


A formal notification to the writer of an option from a clearing house that an option has been.

Category:Financial Terms

A series of Nansen-bottle water samples and associated temperature observations resulting from one release of a messenger.


The quantity of heat produced to change a unit weight of a liquid to vapor with no change in temperature.

Category:Energy Terms

That portion of the base metal that was not melted during brazing, cutting, or welding, but whose microstructure and mechanical properties were altered by the heat; Refers to area adjacent to a weld where the thermal cycle has coused microstructural chang ...

A type of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration facility in which MSW is burned with only minor presorting to remove oversize, hazardous, or explosive materials. Mass burn facilities can be large, with capacities of 3000 tons (2.7 million kg) of MSW pe ...

Category:Energy Terms


A piece of trim, usually wood, used to cover and often decorate a portion of the boat, i.e., caprail.

Category:Sea Words