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(FCM)In the US, an individual or organisation accepting orders to buy or sell futures contracts or.

Category:Financial Terms

The position of a flag when lowered halfway down.

Category:Sea Words

Location where shipment begins its movement.

Category:Sea Words

CFM flowing through the compressor inlet filter or inlet valve under rated conditions

Category:Sea Words


Free Water


A sail set forward of the foremast on the headstay; a foresail

Category:Sea Words

To haul in.

Category:Sea Words

A white disk 12" or more in diameter which is lowered into the sea to estimate transparency of the water. The depths are noted at which it first disappears when lowered and reappears when raised.


Taxation which is levied in an indirect way rather than being charged directly on an individual's.

Category:Financial Terms

All orders in a floor broker's possession that have not yet been.

Category:Financial Terms

Energy produced by the conversion of biomass directly to heat or to a liquid or gas that can be converted to energy.

Category:Energy Terms


The working portion of a cruise between ports. A long cruise may have many legs. The distance sailed on one tack. The course from one race mark to another.

Category:Sea Words

In railcar or container shipments, the weight of the empty railcar or empty container.

Category:Sea Words

A raw material that can be converted to one or more products.

Category:Energy Terms

A rotation anemometer in which the axis of rotation is horizontal. The instrument has either flat vanes (as in the air meter) or helicoidal vanes (as in the propeller anemometer). The relation between wind speed and angular rotation is almost linear.


A demand by a company to shareholders to pay a further instalment on partly paid.

Category:Financial Terms

The wind speed and direction at various levels in the atmosphere above the level reached by surface weather observations.


A measure of the efficiency of an appliance's energy efficiency.

Category:Energy Terms

Is used in psychrometry and is the temperature recorded by a thermometer whose bulb has been covered with a wetted wick and whirled on a sling psychrometer. Taken with the dry bulb, it permits determination of relative humidity of the atmosphere.

Category:Sea Words