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1.Formal Safety AssessmentStudy of risks which should improve the design of ships, and also their actual maintenance.2.Fixed Securing Arrangements


Place where a ship should report when passing i.e. when approaching a port.

Category:Sea Words

A wharf licensed and attended by Customs authorities.

Category:Sea Words

Said of a vessel when she is shipping water on deck and it is running off through scuppers and freeing ports.

Category:Sea Words

Alternating current in which three separate pulses are present, identical in frequency and voltage, but separated 120 degrees in phase.

Category:Energy Terms

Being or composed of hydrocarbons or their derivatives, or matter of plant or animal origin. Contrast with inorganic.

The line to which a vessel is submerged with a full cargo on board.

Category:Sea Words

Same as instrument shelter.


A document allowing beneficiaries to vary the gifts specified in someone's will even after the.

Category:Financial Terms


Detention (See DAMFORDET)


Difference in air or gas temperature between the outlet of the intercooler and the inlet of the compressor.

Category:Sea Words

A potential more cathodic (positive) than the standard hydrogen potential.

Is a positive displacement rotary compressor.

Category:Sea Words

Gilts are fixed income or index-linked bonds issued by the UK Government.

Category:Financial Terms

An assurance policy on the life of an individual where weekly or monthly premiums are regularly paid.

Category:Financial Terms

The element directly responsive to the value of the measured variable.


A carrier giving a customer illegal preference to attract cargo. This can take the form of a money refund (rebate); using lower figures than actual for the assessment of freight charges (undercubing); misdeclaration of the commodity shipped to allow the a ...

Category:Sea Words

The amount (percent) of light that is reflected by a surface relative to the amount that strikes it.

Category:Energy Terms

The ratio of the minimum amount of work or energy required to perform a task to the amount actually used.

Category:Energy Terms

The natural tendency of a sailboat to come up into the wind. The helm must be held over to keep the boat from coming up

Category:Sea Words