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As a component of a heating or cooling appliance, rows of tubing or pipe with fins attached through which a heat transfer fluid is circulated and to deliver heat or cooling energy to a building.

Category:Energy Terms

Is used to cool compressed air or gas. Designed to reduce the temperature and liquefy condensate vapors.

Category:Sea Words

To let go altogether.

Category:Sea Words

A dividend paid additionally to the normal dividend when profits of a company are particularly.

Category:Financial Terms

Glosary corrosion

A large square of heavy canvas fitted with lines to allow it to be drawn under the hull of a ship where it is damaged. The pressure of the seawater holds it tight against the ship and greatly reduces the inflow of water.

Category:Sea Words

The ratio of a boiler's or gasifier's maximum output to its minimum output.

Category:Energy Terms



A device designed to remove solids, such as dirt, scale, rust and other contaminants from the air system.

Category:Sea Words

A balloon used to carry a radiosonde aloft, considerably larger than pilot balloons or ceiling balloons.


A bank account balance to which the holder has instant access. The holder can withdraw funds by.

Category:Financial Terms


Information technology



Liquefied Petroleum Gas




Distance at sea is measured in nautical miles, which are about 6067.12 feet, 1.15 statute miles or exactly 1852 meters. Nautical miles have the unique property that a minute of latitude is equal to one nautical mile - Measurement of speed is done in knots ...

Category:Sea Words

When a company decides to list its shares on a stock market it has to go through an elaborate.

Category:Financial Terms


1.Institute of Petroleum.2.ntegrated Propulsion



Invoice Request Form.


Energy that comes from splitting atoms of radioactive materials, such as uranium, and which produces radioactive wastes.

Category:Energy Terms