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(1) The change from the open-circuit electrode potential as the result of the passage of current. (2) A change in the potential of an electrode during electrolysis, such that the potential of an anode becomes more noble, and that of a cathode more active, ...


A hydrometeor consisting of a visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the earth's surface. Fog differs from cloud only in that the base of fog is at the earth's surface while clouds are above the surface.


This is the concept of how long a device or process can operate properly without needing maintenance or replacement.

Category:Energy Terms

A sailor's carving or etching on bones, teeth, tusks or shells.

Category:Sea Words

Forward. The opposite of abaft.

Category:Sea Words

International Oil Pollution Fund



Installations character for Cargo Refrigerating Installations.


Fracture through or across the crystals or grains of a metal. Also called transcrystalline fracture or intracrystalline fracture. Contrast with intergranular fracture.

Czech Register of Shipping (class society)


A display of national colors at all mastheads and the array of signal flags from bow to stern over the masthead (for special occasions and holidays).

Category:Sea Words

A ring-shaped fitting into which the rudder pintle is inserted which allows the rudder to pivot.

Category:Sea Words

When a company that is registered for value added tax (VAT), buys goods or services from another.

Category:Financial Terms

Indian Register Quality Systems


Is energy in transition and is defined in units of Force times Distance. Work cannot be done unless there is movement.

Category:Sea Words

Merchant Ship Naval Augmentation Program.


A door-like device located at the mouth of a fireplace chimney flue for controlling the direction and flow of the draft in the fireplace as well as the amount of oxygen that the fire receives.

Category:Energy Terms

A cylinder used to carry rotating machine parts, such as pulleys and gears, to transmit power or motion; such as a propeller shaft.

Category:Sea Words

The algebraic ratio of two specified stress values in a stress cycle. Two commonly used stress ratios are: (1) the ratio of the alternating stress amplitude to the mean stress. A = Sa/Sm and (2) the ratio of the minimum stress to the maximum stress. R =Sm ...

Machines in which the compressing element is a piston having a reciprocating motion in a cylinder.

Category:Sea Words

In meteorology, an area of low pressure; a low or trough.
