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Category:Sea Words

Document that identifies goods imported when placed in a bonded warehouse. The duty is not imposed on the products while in the warehouse but will be collected when they are withdrawn for delivery or consumption.

Category:Sea Words


A device attached to a safety or safety relief valve that prevents it from opening at the set pressure.

Category:Sea Words

Rules governing the carriage of goods identifying the rights and responsibilities of carriers and owners of cargo.

See R-Value.

Category:Energy Terms

Electronic Chart Display and Information SystemBased on vectorial representation of features, this system is the best available as it can be coupled to many other devices. Unfortunately since the availability of GPS positioning many hydrographic informati ...


Energy that transmits away from its source in all directions.

Category:Energy Terms

A positive number that characterizes the combining power of an element for other elements, as measured by the number of bonds to other atoms that one atom of the given element forms upon chemical combination: hydrogen is assigned valence 1, and the valenc ...

The shape of a sail, with regard to its efficiency. Controls such as the cunningham, boom vang, outhaul, traveler, halyards, leech line, sheets, and the bend of the mainmast all can affect sail shape. Also sail trim.

Category:Sea Words

A semiconductor material that is left intrinsic, or undoped so that the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself rather than of added impurities.

Category:Energy Terms


Category:Sea Words

(DOL) The daily record setting out the prices of all trades in shares and other securities conducted on.

Category:Financial Terms

Officer's recreation area.

Category:Sea Words

The situation of two vessels, lying alongside one another, so near that their yard-arms cross or touch.

Category:Sea Words

A V-shaped chain, wire, or rope attached to a vessel being towed to which the towline is connected.

Category:Technical Terms

A two masted sailboat with the shorter mizzen mast placed aft of the rudder post. A ketch is similar, but the mizzen mast is forward of the rudder post.

Category:Sea Words


Category:Sea Words

The unit of acceleration in the centimeter-gram-second system of units, equal to one cm per sec2. Commonly used in gravimetry.


Horseshoe-shaped test piece used to detect the susceptibility of a material to stress corrosion cracking.

The control ring in a valve which surrounds the seat, used to control pre open and blow down.

Category:Sea Words