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The meridian from which longitude is measured eastwards or westwards. The longitude of the prime meridian, passing through Greenwich, England, is 0

Category:Sea Words

The compressor is started automatically, depending on demand. Control panel is energized with no "pre-start" cycle required, as pre-lubrication pump and buffer (seal) air are always "on". A state of pre-start exists. Steam turbine compressors are "slow-ro ...

Category:Sea Words

Energy that is capable or available for doing work; the time rate at which work is performed, measured in horsepower, Watts, or Btu per hour. Electric power is the product of electric current and electromotive force.

Category:Energy Terms

Loaded containers moving within the railroad system that are not clearly identified on any internally generated reports.

Category:Sea Words

A glazed structure, such as greenhouse or "sunspace."

Category:Energy Terms

A device designed to enable accumulated liquids to be held for draining in a compressed air system.

Category:Sea Words

Air at a temperature of 68

Category:Sea Words

A product such as an automobile or appliance whose life expectancy is at least three.

Category:Financial Terms

Purchase of shares without entitlement to current scrip issues. This entitlement remains with the.

Category:Financial Terms

Is a process taking place without any heat exchange with the surroundings.

Category:Sea Words

Procedure where carrier tests the temperature of the internal flesh of refrigerated commodities to assure that the temperature at time of shipment conforms to prescribed temperature ranges.

Category:Sea Words

Customer designated as party paying for services.

Category:Sea Words

A concrete pad that sits on gravel or crushed rock, well-compacted soil either level with the ground or above the ground.

Category:Energy Terms

A solar thermal electric central reciever power plant ("power tower") located in Barstow, California, and completed in 1981. The Solar One had a design capacity of 10,000 peak kilowatts, and was composed of a receiver located on the top of a tower surroun ...

Category:Energy Terms

The total pressure measured from absolute zero ( i.e., from an absolute vacuum).

Category:Sea Words

Life assurance where payment of the sum assured depends on an event or events additional to the.

Category:Financial Terms

Preferred stock with dividend payment priority following a missed dividend payment. This amount.

Category:Financial Terms

The amount by which a company's assets outweigh its liabilities, expressed as a absolute.

Category:Financial Terms

Nickname for a dinghy

Category:Sea Words

A certified document showing the origin of goods; used in international commerce.

Category:Sea Words