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A winch having a rope storage capacity and used for slewing and retaining a boom.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum commences to rotate in the direction of haul, the prime mover being set for maximum torque under automatic control and the rope being wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum exit when the drum ceases to rotate in the direction of haul, the prime mover being set for maximum torque and the rope being wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

A test applied to each machine produced by a manufacturer.

Category:Technical Terms

A crane with a jib which may be rotated by turning gear and adjusted in the vertical plane.

Category:Technical Terms

A crane with a boom consisted of several sections, being capable of moving the weight positions though folding the boom.

Category:Technical Terms

The portion of dry, full line pressure, compressed air taken from the drying side tower of a dual tower desiccant dryer system. Expanded to a very low pressure and passed across the wet desiccant to strip the moisture in the desiccant of the regenerating ...

Category:Sea Words

A machine where a static pressure rise is obtained by allowing successive volumes of gas to be aspirated into and exhausted out of a closed space by means of the displacement of a moving member.

Category:Sea Words

A collective term for securities whose prices are based on the prices of another (underlying).

Category:Financial Terms

A lightly powered or unpowered drum intended solely for rope storage

Category:Technical Terms

A kind of winch, which is applied for longitudinal and transverse moving or positioning the engineering ship.

Category:Technical Terms

A reel designed for receiving/rendering and storing the marine & on-shore cable

Category:Technical Terms

On a square-rigged ship, a small sail set in light weather above the moonraker.

Category:Sea Words


What is NDE? Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) is a term that is often used interchangeably with NDT.However, technically, NDE is used to describe measurements that are more quantitative innature. For example, an NDE method would not only locate a defect, b ...

Category:Technical Terms

A winch designed for hoisting and lowering the rescue-boat or life/rescue-boat.

Category:Technical Terms

– A boiler test to ensure that the safety valves can release steam fast enough to prevent the pressure rising by 10%. The main steam stop valve is closed during the test.

Category:Technical Terms

1. A type of lifting gear often installed on stern of cable vessels, pipe-lying vessels and offshore construction vessels for sub sea load handling. 2. A fabricated steel structural element of a slow speed, two-stroke diesel engine. It stands on the bedp ...

Category:Technical Terms

– The confirmed or official ship dimensions.

Category:Technical Terms

(AP) – The aft perpendicular passes through the aft end of the freeboard length L.

Category:Technical Terms

A bill of materials (also known as a BOM or bill of material) is a comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies and other materials required to create a product, ...

Category:Technical Terms