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A wooden float placed between a vessel and a dock acting as a fender.

Category:Sea Words

A rope securing pieces together.

Category:Sea Words

Rope made from the fibers of the abaca plant.

Category:Sea Words

The frame on the keelson of boat (does not apply on ships) to which the heel of a mast is fitted.

Category:Sea Words

To slack out a line made fast on board (let it out slowly).

Category:Sea Words

That portion of a vessel's side near the stern.

Category:Sea Words

Capable of putting to sea and able to meet sea conditions.

Category:Sea Words


Federal Register (U.S.)



Frame (FRM)



International Labor Organization



Special Survey Automation.


Removal of all traces of a cargo from the tanks of a tanker normally by means of high pressure water jets.

Category:Sea Words

Corrected B/L: B/L requiring any update which results in money or other financially related changes.

Category:Sea Words

House B/L: B/L issued by a freight forwarder or consolidator covering a single shipment containing the names, addresses and specific description of the goods shipped.

Category:Sea Words

Unique B/L Identifier: U.S. Customs' standardization: four-alpha code unique to each carrier placed in front of nine digit B/L number; APL's unique B/L Identifier is "APLU". Sea-land uses "SEAU". These prefixes are also used as the container identificatio ...

Category:Sea Words

Term used by mariners for a barometer.

Category:Sea Words

A cargo-carrying ship which is operated between scheduled,advertised ports of loading and discharge on a regular basis.

Category:Sea Words

An opening into a tank or compartment designed to admit a man.

Category:Sea Words

A partial deck at the stern above the main deck, derived from the Latin "puppio" for the sacred deck where the "pupi" or doll images of the deities were kept.

Category:Sea Words

To reduce the area of a sail by making fast the reef points (used in rough weather).

Category:Sea Words