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Vessel Safety and Operations Audit


The ceiling classification which is applied when the ceiling height is determined by timing the ascent and disappearance of a ceiling balloon or pilot balloon.



Electronic Navigation Chart


Established the standard basis for adjusting general average and stated the rules for adjusting claims.

Category:Sea Words

Aluminium Alloy Pleasure Yacht.


Whether In Port Or Not


A component made up of a cylinder barrel, end covers, a piston rod, a steel or stainless steel piston. A device which induces action or motion with compressed air being the medium through which the power is transmitted.

Category:Sea Words


International Maritime Organization.United Nation agency created the 6 March 1948, located in London and taking care of all shipping matters.


The play or loose motion in an instrument due to the clearance existing between mechanically contacting parts.


A self regulated London exchange serving world wide interests. It is the world's premier maritime.

Category:Financial Terms

A single inlet compressor with the impeller or impellers mounted on an extended shaft of the driver.

Category:Sea Words

Above decks; without concealment of deceit (out in the open).

Category:Sea Words

An outdoor temperature, usually 20 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit, at which a heatpump's output equals the heating demand. Below the balance point, supplementary heat is needed.

Category:Energy Terms




(1) An old term to denote a lazy sailor who is of little use on the ship. (2) Damaged goods, especially provisions.

Category:Sea Words

Units in a unit trust where the income from the trust's investments is reinvested in the trust.

Category:Financial Terms

To produce a zinc-iron alloy coating on iron or steel by keeping the coating molten after hot dip galvanizing until the zinc alloys completely with the base metal.

A unit of luminous intensity; the magnitude to the candela is such that the luminance of the total radiator, at the temperature of solidification of platinum, is 60 candelas per square centimeter.

Category:Energy Terms

The owners of a ship are entitled to payment as freight for merchandise returned through the fault of either the consignees or the consignors. Such payment, which is over and above the normal freight, is called backfreight.

Category:Sea Words


Geographic Information System
