Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers An association formed in 1990 to represent the interests of stockbroking and investment.
An opening; in solar collectors, the area through which solar radiation is admitted and directed to the absorber.
A solar day; an interval between successive transits of the sun's center across an observer's meridian; the time thus measured is not equal to clock time.
When freight appears to be free of damage so far as a general survey can determine.
This is the voltage-ampere requirement of a device designed to convert electric energy to a non-electrical form.
The direction and speed of the wind as it appears to those on board, relative to the speed and direction of the boat; combination of the true wind and the wind caused by the boat's movement through the water.
The ratings under which specified appliances convert energy sources into useful energy, as determined by procedures established by the U.S. Department of Energy.