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The making of a gift by will. See.

Category:Financial Terms

Pieces of ice, about the size of a small house, that have broken off a glacier.

Category:Sea Words

A sail plan in which the main and/or mizzen, or the foresail of a schooner, is of triangular shape, very long in the luff and set from a tall mast. This is almost now universal in all sailing yachts.

Category:Sea Words

In physics, the concept that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within that fluid decreases. Originally formulated in 1738 by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli, it states that the total energy in a ...

Category:Sea Words

The place where a vessel lies. The place in which a man sleeps.

Category:Sea Words

A vessel's place at anchor or at a dock. Seaman's assignment.

Category:Sea Words

Term used in a voyage charter party, e.g. vessel shall proceed to Berth 2 at Falmouth.

Category:Sea Words

When a liner cargo vessel accepts extra cargo to fill up the empty space remaining.

Shipped under rate that includes cost from end of ship's tackle at load port to end of ship's tackle at discharge port.

Category:Sea Words

Said of a vessel when she is entirely surrounded by ice.

Category:Sea Words

Belgian ShipMaster's Association Professional Association for shipmasters legally recognized by decision of the Belgian Council of State of 29th November 1977. Main international objective: safety of shipping & promotion of the profession. Practically BES ...


A requirement of the 1986 Financial Services Act and in turn the Financial Services Authority that a.

Category:Financial Terms

Term used in the days of sail to indicate the starboard of the two anchors carried at the bow of a ship. The anchor on the port side was known as the small bower (although they were the same size).

Category:Sea Words

The Stock Exchange rule that requires brokers to carry out a deal on behalf of a client at the.

Category:Financial Terms

Ratings of financial reliability given by Best's Rating Service to insurance companies with a top.

Category:Financial Terms

A term previously given to the shares of listed companies, basically second in line to and traded.

Category:Financial Terms

A measurement of the movement of the price of a particular stock compared with the movement of the.

Category:Financial Terms

The space between decks. The name of the deck or decks between the ceiling and main deck.

Category:Sea Words

On or near the line of immersion of a ship's hull.

Category:Sea Words

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