Similar to a whip, an instrument of punishment where seamen were flogged on their bare backs.
An air pollution control device that removes organic contaminants by oxidizing them into carbon dioxide and water through a chemical reaction using a catalysis, which is a substance that increases (or decreases) the rate of a chemical reaction without bei ...
In square-rigged vessels, short lines at the lower end of the futtock shrouds used to bring in the shrouds tighter to give room to brace the yards at a sharper angle when sailing close hauled.
The electrode of an electrolytic cell at which reduction is the principal reaction. (Electrons How toward the cathode in the external circuit.) Typical cathodic processes are cation' taking up electrons and being discharged, oxygen being reduced. and the ...
The negative pole or electrode of an electrolytic cell, vacuum tube, etc., where electrons enter (current leaves) the system; the opposite of an anode.
An electromagnetic ballast that disconnects a lamp's electrode heating circuit once is has started; often called "low frequency electronic" ballasts.
The portion of solution in immediate contact with the cathode during electrolysis.
Corrosion resulting from a cathodic condition of a structure usually caused by the reaction of an amphoteric metal with the alkaline products of electrolysis.
The destruction of adhesion between a coating and its substrate by products of a cathodic reaction.
A chemical substance or mixture that prevents or reduces the rate of the cathodic or reduction reaction by physical, physico-chemical or chemical action.