The successor to the European Currency Unit (ECU) as the European currency. The euro was introduced.
A bond, issued and underwritten by international syndicates of banks and issuing houses and sold to.
A European payment scheme in which a person person can use eurocheques and a guarantee card where.
A currency which is deposited in banks outside its country of origin. For example the eurodollar,.
The current community - current members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,.
(ECU)A weighted average of European Community currencies with weighting tending to be proportional to a.
(EEC)The original economic community set up in 1957 by the 6 founder members ( France, West Germany,.
(EFTA) An association of countries (originally comprising Denmark, United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland,.
(EMS)The monetary system of the EC which attempts to reduce the currency variations between members. The.
An option which can only be exercised by the holder at expiry (unlike American style options which.
A mixture of substances that has a melting point lower than that of any mixture of the same substances in other proportions.
(1)An isothermal reversible reaction in which a liquid solution is converted into two or more intimately mixed solids on cooling, the number of solids formed being the same as the number of components in the system. (2) An alloy having the composition ind ...
Salt mixtures with potential applications as solar thermal energy storage materials.
(1) An isothermal reversible reaction in which a solid solution is converted into two or more intimately mixed solids on cooling, the number of solids formed being the same as the number of components in the system. (2) An alloy having the composition ind ...