An astray shipment (a lost shipment that is found) sent to its proper destination without additional charge.

Category:Sea Words

A buoyant balloon rising freely in the atmosphere, as opposed to a captive balloon.


The part of the total carbon in steel or cast iron that is present in elemental form as graphite or temper carbon. Contrast with combined carbon.

The amount of money that a business has at its disposal at any given time after paying out operating.

Category:Financial Terms

Corrosion potential in the absence of net electrical current flowing to or from the metal surface.

Ferrire that is formed directly from the decomposition of hypoeutectoid austenite during cooling, without the simultaneous formation of cementite. Also called proeutectoid ferrite.

The actual lifting force of an inflated balloon, usually expressed in grams.


Pertains to the machining characteristics of an alloy to which one or more ingredients have been introduced to give small broken chips, lower power consumption, better surface finish, and longer tool life; among such additions are sulfur or lead to steel, ...

A marine insurance term meaning that the assurer will not allow payment for partial loss or damage to cargo shipments except in certain circumstances, such as stranding, sinking, collision or fire.

Category:Sea Words

Shipped under a rate that includes costs of delivery to and the loading onto a carrier at a specified point.

Category:Sea Words

See Terms of Sale.

Category:Sea Words

The same as FOB named inland carrier, except the buyer pays the transportation charge and the seller reduces the invoice by a like amount.

Category:Sea Words

The same as FOB named inland carrier, except the seller pays the freight charges of the inland carrier.

Category:Sea Words

Seller is responsible for the cost of placing the goods at a named point of exportation. Some European buyers use this form when they actually mean FOB vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Seller is responsible for goods and preparation of export documentation until actually placed aboard the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Cost of unloading a vessel is borne by the charterer.

Category:Sea Words

A port free of customs duty and most customs regulations.

Category:Sea Words

Clearance by the Health Authorities.

Category:Sea Words

The U.S. government does not issue certificates of free sale. However, the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, will issue, upon request, a letter of comment to the U.S. manufacturers whose products are subject to the Federal Food, Drug ...

Category:Sea Words

(FSAVC) An employee's pension scheme which is additional to but independent from his occupational pension.

Category:Financial Terms

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