Rum diluted with water. In the 1700s the daily ration of rum in the British Navy was diluted with water with the idea of reducing drunkenness. The term groggy was derived from the effects of drinking too much grog.

Category:Sea Words

Before any deductions, particularly tax.

Category:Financial Terms

Gross tonnage is the basis on which manning rules and safety regulations are applied, and registration fees are reckoned. Port fees are also often reckoned on the basis of GT and NT. GT and NT are defined according to formulas which take account, among ot ...

Category:Sea Words

The heat produced by combusting a specific quantity and volume of fuel in an oxygen-bomb colorimeter under specific conditions.

Category:Energy Terms

(GDP)The value of all goods and services created within an economy. It equals gross national product.

Category:Financial Terms

The total amount of electricity produced by a power plant.

Category:Energy Terms

The total income of a person before deductions. This for example could be a person's salary plus.

Category:Financial Terms

Interest earned by deposits at banks and financial institutions, or on gilts etc. before.

Category:Financial Terms

The difference between the selling price of an item and the purchase or manufacturing cost,.

Category:Financial Terms

(GNP)The total value of all goods and services produced by a country. Real growth in GNP measures the.

Category:Financial Terms

The difference between (i) turnover and (ii) the cost of making a product or providing a service,.

Category:Financial Terms

The interest rate earned on money placed on deposit with banks and financial institutions.

Category:Financial Terms

See 'redemption.

Category:Financial Terms

A common measurement of the internal volume of a ship with certain spaces excluded. One ton equals 100 cubic feet; the total of all the enclosed spaces within a ship expressed in tons each of which is equivalent to 100 cubic feet.

Category:Sea Words

Applies to vessels, not to cargo, (0.2+0.02 log10V) where V is the volume in cubic meters of all enclosed spaces on the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Entire weight of goods, packaging and freight car or container, ready for shipment. Generally, 80,000 pounds maximum container, cargo and tractor for highway transport.

Category:Sea Words

The yield on a security before the deduction of tax. Yield is a measure of the return on an.

Category:Financial Terms

UK shareholders receive dividends with a tax credit of 10%. This means that a notional 10% tax.

Category:Financial Terms

A device used to protect the user of any electrical system or appliance from shock.

Category:Energy Terms

check chamber-A chamber use to check the sensing elements of radiosonde equipment.
