An experimental technique where by an electrode is maintained at a constant current in an electrolyte.
The rate of change of an option's delta relative to a given change in the underlying share. Equal to.
A term previously given to the shares of smaller companies traded far less frequently on the London.
When the stock market opens above or below the close on the previous day, this is known as a.
The recipient (typically a bank) to whom a garnishee order has been delivered.
A court order instructing a garnishee (a bank) that funds held on behalf of a debtor (the judgement.
Are load carrying machine elements permitting some degree of motion in which the lubricant is air or some other gas.
A portion of the discharge gas is redirected through a heat exchanger and then expanded back to suction pressure, where it is mixed with normal suction gas stream and commonly used to compensate for process flow demands.
A machine that compresses gases. Divided into two groups; process gas compressors and oil and gas field compressors.
The drying of compressed gases other than air. Equipment size, choice of materials and other specifications may be decidedly different for drying gases other than air because of the specific properties of the gases. Properties include specific gravity, sp ...