A bond which provides income over its life and at maturity the original investment is returned. .
In the US, a distribution of interest or dividends to the shareholders of a mutual.
A facility which allows a delay in buying an annuity if rates should be low when retirement age is.
An endowment plan which carries an option at maturity for the proceeds to be paid in the form of a.
Income received from property letting is subject to income tax. The amount taxable is the amount.
A unit or investment trust, or other collective fund, which aims to pay a high dividend to its.
People aged 65 to 74 are entitled to an additional personal tax allowance provided total earnings.
An endowment plan which carries an option at maturity for the proceeds to be paid in the form of a.
Shares bought in anticipation of an above average income being produced. Also referred to.
In the US, a reputable stock with a record of consistently high dividend payments to.
A period prior to the detection of corrosion while the metal is in contact with a corrodent.
An agreement in which one person is answerable for compensating the losses of another..