One mole is the mass numerically equal (in grams) to the relative molecular mass of a substance. It is the amount of substance of a system that contains as many elementary units (6.023 exp23) as there are atoms of carbon in 0.012 kg of the pure nuclide C1 ...

A unit of mass numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance. The gram-mote or gram-molecule is the mass in grams numerically equal to the molecular weight, i.e. a gram-mole of oxygen is 32 grams.


A breakwater used as a landing pier.

Category:Sea Words

A solid adsorbent used for drying compressed air.

Category:Sea Words

All matter consists of molecules which are in constant motion, but which are held together by molecular forces. In a solid the molecules are closely packed and arranged in such a pattern that the influence of the molecular forces is very strong. This give ...

Category:Sea Words

A thermopile used in some types of radiation instruments. See solarimeter.


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Corrosion testing in a copper-sulfate solution containing sulfuric acid. Used to detect the susceptibility of stainless steel to intergranular corrosion.

(1) A small wooden cask in which grog was carried. (2) A type of marine steam reciprocating engine where two engines were used together on the same propeller shaft.

Category:Sea Words

A large heavy knot usually made in the end of a heaving line to aid in accurate throwing.

Category:Sea Words

A knot worked into the end of a heaving line (for weight).

Category:Sea Words

A flying bridge on top of a pilothouse or chart house.

Category:Sea Words

A thick serge jacket worn by seamen while keeping watch at night or in stormy weather.

Category:Sea Words

The planting, cultivation, and harvesting of a single species of crop in a specified area.

Category:Energy Terms

A boat with one hull.

Category:Sea Words

Fabricated as a single structure.

Category:Energy Terms

A molecule usually an organic compound, having the ability to join with a number of identical molecules to form a polymer.

A seasonal wind of persistent direction, characterized by a pronounced change in direction between seasons.


Legendary opportunists who lured vessels onto shoals during nights when there was no moonlight to illuminate the coastline.

Category:Sea Words

On square-rigged ships, a small light square sail set above the skysail in fair weather. If the sail were triangular, it would be called a Skyscraper.

Category:Sea Words