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Measuring point for compressor acceptance test. Pressure before an orifice or nozzle, downstream of compressor discharge.

Category:Sea Words


Measuring point for compressor acceptance test. Distribution pressure (headers).

Category:Sea Words


Measuring point for compressor acceptance test. Pressure at the point of use.

Category:Sea Words


Port Aft


Numbers of large pieces of floating ice that have come together and lie more or less in contact.

Category:Sea Words

The total power absorbed by a compressor, including the power absorbed by all pumps, fans, coolers and the like.

Category:Sea Words

The ratio of solar collector array area to actual land area.

Category:Energy Terms

Itemized list of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated.

Category:Sea Words

A loop shaped fitting attached to the deck, spar, boom, etc., used to secure a line or block to some part of the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

A metal eye permanently secured to a deck or bulkhead (for mooring any blocks and tackle).

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Please Authorize Delivery Against Guarantee." A request from the consignee to the shipper to allow the carrier or agent to release cargo against a guarantee, either bank or personal. Made when the consignee is unable to produce original ...

Category:Sea Words

A stick with a blade in the end of it used to propel a small boat through the water; The act of using a paddle to propel a boat.

Category:Sea Words

Seaman's scornful name for any lead of a rope by which effort is lost or wasted.

Category:Sea Words

A short piece of rope secured in the bow of a small boat used for making her fast.

Category:Sea Words

A U.S. Customs program wherein at least two designated Customs ports will enter cargo that arrives at either port without the necessity of an in-bound document.

Category:Sea Words


Petroleum Association of Japan



Pakistan (flag).



Pakistan (Flag)


A platform with or without sides, on which a number of packages or pieces may be loaded to facilitate handling by a lift truck.

Category:Sea Words

A flat tray, generally made of wood but occasionally of steel, on which goods particularly those in boxes, cartons or bags, can be stacked. Its purpose is to facilitate the movement of such goods, mainly by the use of forklift trucks.

Category:Sea Words

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