The potential of a reversible oxidation-reduction electrode measured with respect to a reference electrode, corrected to the hydrogen electrode, in a given electrolyte.
Is the ratio in absolute units of the actual gas temperature to the critical temperature.
A reaction in which there is a decrease in valence resulting from a gain in electrons. Contrast with oxidation.
In general, the transformation of data from a "raw" form to some useable form. In meteorology, this often refers to the conversion of the observed value of an element to the value which it would theoretically have at some selected or standard level. The m ...
Reinforced cringles or thimbles in the sail designed to hold the reefing lines when reefing the sail.
Short pieces of line fastened to the sail at reef points, used for tying a reef to reduce sail area. The reef line will pass through reef cringles, which will become the new tack and clew of the reefed sail.
Short lengths of line attached to the sail used to tie the extra sail out of the way when reefing.
A nonpolarizable electrode with a known and highly reproducible potential used for potentiometric and voltammetric analyses. See also calomel electrode.
The range of operating conditions of a device within which operating influences are negligible. The range is usually narrow. Reference operating conditions are the conditions under which reference performance is stated and the base from which the values o ...