A line running from near the top of the mast, used to hold the spinnaker pole in place.
Electric power plant or utility capacity on line and running at low power in excess of actual load.
A liquid-in-glass thermometer which uses an organic substance such as alcohol as the thermometer liquid. This type of thermometer has a low freezing point and a high coefficient of expansion. It is less accurate, however, than a mercury thermometer.
A raised portion of the hull forward of the cockpit intended to prevent water entering.
A type of wind vane having a split or V-shaped tail. The apex orients itself to the direction of the wind.
A traditional term in the British Navy for serving out an additional tot of rum or grog to a ship's crew. In sailing ship days the main brace was spliced (in terms of drink) in very bad weather or after a period of severe exertion by the crew.
A photovoltaic device where incident sunlight is split into different spectral regions, with an optical apparatus, that are directed to individual photovoltaic cells that are optimized for converting that spectrum to electricity.
An air conditioning system that comes in two to five pieces: one piece contains the compressor, condenser, and a fan; the others have an evaporator and a fan. The condenser, installed outside the house, connects to several evaporators, one in each room to ...