Board, bearing instructions, that comes to a wrecked ship with a life-saving rocket line.

Category:Sea Words

Book in which is kept a reckoning of items of cargo received or discharged from a hatch or vessel.

Category:Sea Words

A metal fitting on the mast that the stays attached to the mast; a fitting on the mast for securing rigging.

Category:Sea Words

A ship designed to carry various types of liquid cargo, from oil and gasoline to molasses, water, and vegetable oil.

Category:Sea Words

A water heater that heats water before it is directly distributed for end use as required; a demand water heater.

Category:Energy Terms

Are of two kinds: First, those built in permanently and part of the ship's structure, used for the reception of water ballast, fuel, oil, or liquid cargo; second, those constructed specially and removable if necessary. These vary greatly in size and shape ...

Category:Sea Words

Trans Alaska Pipeline Service



(1) Old nickname for a sailor, who would treat his canvas coats and hats with tar as a protection against the weather. (2) The distilled residue of gum extracted from pine trees, used for preserving many things.

Category:Sea Words

In railcar or container shipments, the weight of the empty railcar or empty container.

Category:Sea Words

A publication setting forth the charges, rates and rules of transportation companies.

Category:Sea Words

imposes a 50-percent tariff on maintenance and repair work done on U.S.-flag vessels in foreign shipyards. Also, U.S.-flag vessels must either be built in the United States or have been a U.S.-flag vessel for at least 3 years to be eligible to carry prefe ...

Category:Sea Words

Surface discoloration of a metal caused by formation of a thin film of corrosion product.

Heavy canvas used as a covering.

Category:Sea Words

Any light source designed specifically to direct light a task or work performed by a person or machine.

Category:Energy Terms

With no slack; strict as to discipline.

Category:Sea Words

Stretched tight with no slack.

Category:Sea Words


Storage Tanks Tax



Tank Barge.



To be named or to be nominated. To Be Named. Brokerage and chartering, replaces the name of the ship when it is still unknown.

Category:Sea Words


