A mercury barometer which measures atmospheric pressure by weighing the mercury in the column or cistern.
Measurement ton 40 cubic ft or one cubic meter.Net ton, or short ton 2,000 lbs.Gross ton/long ton 2,240 lbs.Metric ton/kilo ton 2,204.6 lbs.Cubic meter 35.314 cubic ft.
Cracking that occurs in the weld metal. See also cold cracking, hot cracking, lamellar tearing, and stress-relief cracking.
Intergranular corrosion, usually of stainless steels or certain nickel-base alloys, that occurs as the result of sensitization in the heat-affected zone during the welding operation.
Is used in psychrometry and is the temperature recorded by a thermometer whose bulb has been covered with a wetted wick and whirled on a sling psychrometer. Taken with the dry bulb, it permits determination of relative humidity of the atmosphere.
Is one which 1) handles a small constant flow of liquid with the gas; 2) utilizes evaporative (injection) cooling; or 3) circulates a liquid for sealing and/or cooling. The last may or may not be evaporative cooling.
Difference between the temperatures of the dry-bulb and the wet-bulb thermometers of a psychrometer.
The lowest temperature that can be obtained on a wet-bulb thermometer in any given sample of air. Obtained by evaporation of water (or ice) from the muslin wick. Used in computing dew point and relative humidity.
A thermometer with a muslin-covered bulb which is moistened. used to measure wet-bulb temperature.
A condition in which the interfacial tension between a liquid and a solid is such that the contact angle is 0
A substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid, thereby causing it to spread more readily on a solid surface.
Charge assessed by a pier or dock owner against freight handled over the pier or dock or against a steamship company using the pier or dock.
The process of transmitting electricity over one or more separately owned electric transmission and distribution systems. (See Wholesale and Retail Wheeling.)
A call requesting direction in answer to the report of a lookout that an object has been sighted.