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An offer which is not conditional in any way.

The tariff applied for chartering tonnage in a particular trade.

Panamax Plus are all Panamax ships authorised for fresh water draft greater than 12.04m up to 15.2m and approved for transit in the new locks.

Neopanamax is a ship with dimensions greater than Panamax or Panamax Plus that comply with the size and draft limitations of the new locks, which are: • max length 366.0m. • max breadth 49.0m. • max draft (fresh water) 15.2m.

Panamax ships are all ships that comply with the size and draft limitations of the existing (old) locks; namely, length 294.13m by 32.31m in breadth by 12.04 fresh water draft.

Lowest temperature at which a product gives off an inflammable gas when mixed with air.


Free Alongside Ship Free Alongside Ship means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that mom ...

The carriage of goods or passengers for remuneration taken on at one point and discharged at another point within the territory of the same country. or Shipments between ports of a single nation, frequently reserved to national flag vessels of that nat ...

When a vessel's head falls off from the wind. To pay. To cover over with tar or pitch. To pay out. To slack up on a cable and let it run out.

Charterers when cancelling agreement sometimes quote 'doctrine of frustration' i.e. vessel is lost, extensive delays.

Amount paid to a shipowner for the carriage of cargo.

Crude oils.

Cargo containing shipments of two or more shippers or suppliers. Containerload shipments may be consolidated for one or more consignees.

Cargo, normally cars, shipped in pieces to be assembled at destination.

Agreement given by liner conferrence to a shipper, allowing the shipper to use a non-conference shipping line for a particular consignment.

A contract whereby the shipowner places the vessel at the disposal of the charterer for one or more voyages, the shipowner being responsible for the operation of the vessel.

Type of tanker used to carry different types of oil for human consumption.

Readiness of cargo.

Written contract for the purchase of a ship.

A term used to describe the vessel which must yield in meeting, crossing, or overtaking situations.