Energy Terms: All Listings RSS

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The process of determining energy consumption, by various techniques, of a building or facility.

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The space-conditioning load of a building.

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The maximum load that a motor is capable of supplying.

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An interior wall made of water filled containers for absorbing and storing solar energy.

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Discharging a battery to 20 percent or less of its full charge capacity.

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A building architectural element (vestibule) with two airtight doors that reduces the amount of air infiltration and exfiltration when the exterior most door is opened.

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The conversion of biomass into a gas, by biogasification (see above) or thermal gasification, in which hydrogen is produced from high-temperature gasifying and low-temperature pyrolysis of biomass.

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see Air-Source Heat Pump.

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The control of the quality, quantity, and temperature-humidity of the air in an interior space.

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A slender threadlike spike of pure crystalline material, such as silicon.

Category:Energy Terms

To disconnect a transmission and/or distribution line; a power line that is not carrying a current; to open a circuit.

Category:Energy Terms

Referring to alterations in the environment due to the presence or activities of humans.

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The maximum heat output (in Btu per hour) released by a burner with a stable flame and satisfactory combustion.

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A structural, load-carrying building member with an open web system that supports floors and roofs utilizing wood or specific steels and is designed as a simple span member.

Category:Energy Terms

A condition that results from an imbalance between the number of protons and the number of electrons in a substance.

Category:Energy Terms

A unit of electrical force equal to that amount of electromotive force that will cause a steady current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm.

Category:Energy Terms

A mechanical device used for air circulation and to provide cooling.

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Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range of 4 to 400 nanometers.

Category:Energy Terms

The temperature of a medium, such as gas or liquid, which comes into contact with or surrounds an apparatus or building element.

Category:Energy Terms

The interior heat gain due to heat conduction, convection, and radiation from the exterior into the interior, and from occupants and appliances.

Category:Energy Terms