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A type of solar thermal collector that has tubes (pipes) that the heat transfer fluid flows through that are connected to a flat absorber plate.

Category:Energy Terms

The duct(s) of a forced air heating/cooling system through which heated or cooled air is supplied to rooms by the action of the fan of the central heating or cooling unit.

Category:Energy Terms

The actual power rating that is developed by a motor before losses occur.

Category:Energy Terms

A term used to describe heat energy lost from a water heater tank.

Category:Energy Terms

A fluorescent lamp that has a tubular shape.

Category:Energy Terms

This is a positive constant, k, that is a property of a substance and is used in the calculation of heat transfer rates for materials. It is the amount of heat that flows through a specified area and thickness of a material over a specified period of time ...

Category:Energy Terms

The difference in electrical pressure (voltage) between any two points in an electrical system or between any point in an electrical system and the earth.

Category:Energy Terms

The inner coil in a heat pump that, during the cooling mode, absorbs heat from the inside air and boils the liquid refrigerant to a vapor, which cools the house.

Category:Energy Terms

A combustion heating appliance in which heat is captured from the burning of a fuel for distribution, comprised mainly of a combustion chamber and heat exchanger.

Category:Energy Terms

An engine in which fuel is burned (or heat is applied) to the outside of a cylinder; a Stirling engine.

Category:Energy Terms

The part of a wind energy conversion device blade, or airfoil, that is the last to contact the wind.

Category:Energy Terms

Also known as "power towers," these use fields of two-axis tracking mirrors known as heliostats. Each heliostat is individually positioned by a computer control system to reflect the sun's rays to a tower-mounted thermal receiver. The effect of many helio ...

Category:Energy Terms

The total amount of electricity produced by a power plant.

Category:Energy Terms

The ratio of solar radiation captured and transfered to the collector (heat transfer) fluid.

Category:Energy Terms

A computer software program that simulates energy consumption of commercial buildings; used for design and auditing purposes.

Category:Energy Terms

The energy liberated in a chemical reaction, as in the combustion of fuels.

Category:Energy Terms

The measure of the instantaneous energy efficiency of room air conditioners; the cooling capacity in Btu/hr divided by the watts of power consumed at a specific outdoor temperature (usually 95 degrees Fahrenheit).

Category:Energy Terms

A unit of rate of operation. Electrical Hp: a measure of time rate of mechanical energy output; usually applied to electric motors as the maximum output; 1 electrical Hp is equal to 0.746 kilowatts or 2,545 Btu per hour. Shaft Hp: a measure of the actual ...

Category:Energy Terms

The low effective temperature of the sky on a clear night.

Category:Energy Terms

Conventional turbine generators are used with the dry steam resources. The steam is used directly, eliminating the need for boilers and boiler fuel that characterizes other steam-power-generating technologies. This technology is limited because dry-steam ...

Category:Energy Terms