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The current flowing freely through an external circuit that has no load or resistance; the maximum current possible.

Category:Energy Terms

One or more circuits of a distribution system on the same line or poles or supporting structures' usually operating at a lower voltage relative to the transmission line.

Category:Energy Terms

The elements and compounds that result from the combustion of a fuel.

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A window glazing coating, usually tinted bronze or gray, used to reduce building cooling loads, glare, and fabric fading.

Category:Energy Terms

A type of solar thermal system where sunlight is concentrated by a curved reflector onto a pipe containing a working fluid that can be used for process heat or to produce electricity. The world's largest solar thermal electric power plants use solar troug ...

Category:Energy Terms

A group of solar collectors or solar modules connected together.

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Electromagnetic energy transmitted from the sun (solar radiation). The amount that reaches the earth is equal to one billionth of total solar energy generated, or the equivalent of about 420 trillion kilowatt-hours.

Category:Energy Terms

See Solar Module.

Category:Energy Terms

The generation of electric power by a heat engine which converts part of the heat generated by combustion of the fuel into mechanical motion to operate an electric generator.

Category:Energy Terms

The time of the day, at a specific location, when the sun reaches its highest, apparent point in the sky; equal to true or due, geographic south.

Category:Energy Terms

A solar thermal technology that uses a modular mirror system that approximates a parabola and incorporates two-axis tracking to focus the sunlight onto receivers located at the focal point of each dish. The mirror system typically is made from a number of ...

Category:Energy Terms

A structure used to cool power plant water; water is pumped to the top of the tubular tower and sprayed out into the center, and is cooled by evaporation as it falls, and then is either recycled within the plant or is discharged.

Category:Energy Terms

A technique for insulating and sealing exterior walls that reduces vapor diffusion through air leakage points by installing pre-cut blocks of rigid foam insulation over floor joists, sheet subfloor, and top plates before drywall is installed.

Category:Energy Terms

A device for transforming the quality and quantity of electrical energy; also an inverter.

Category:Energy Terms

The process of modifying the characteristics of electrical power (for e.g., inverting dc to AC).

Category:Energy Terms

A connection or link between power systems that enables them to draw on each other's reserve capacity in time of need.

Category:Energy Terms

The two times of the year when the sun is apparently farthest north and south of the earth's equator; usually occurring on or around June 21 (summer solstice in northern hemisphere, winter solstice for southern hemisphere) and December 21 (winter solstice ...

Category:Energy Terms

A curve illustrating the variation or spectral irradiance with wavelength.

Category:Energy Terms

The ratio of actual power being used in a circuit, expressed in watts or kilowatts, to the power that is apparently being drawn from a power source, expressed in volt-amperes or kilovolt-amperes.

Category:Energy Terms

The legal issues related to protecting or ensuring access to sunlight to operate a solar energy system, or use solar energy for heating and cooling.

Category:Energy Terms