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A bond, issued by a highly regarded company or municipal authority with a rating of AAA or.

Category:Financial Terms

The true owner of a security or property which may be registered in another name.

Category:Financial Terms

See: 'discretionary.

Category:Financial Terms

The increase of prices in an economy over a period of time, usually annualised for comparative.

Category:Financial Terms

Money paid by life insurance companies to policyholders based on endowment policies and.

Category:Financial Terms


Bank for International Settlements The central bankers' bank, based in Basle,.

Category:Financial Terms

(Bridging loan) Commission or fees charged by a broker for conducting transactions for its.

Category:Financial Terms

A transaction in which the purchaser of goods pays an initial deposit and takes possession. .

Category:Financial Terms

A City professional whose job is to decide how fund money is invested.

Category:Financial Terms

(IB)An individual or firm who can perform all the functions of a broker except one. An introducing.

Category:Financial Terms

The difference between the selling price and the purchase price for investments.

Category:Financial Terms

The six big accountancy firms: KPMG, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche and.

Category:Financial Terms

An approach to investment that focuses on analysis of a company's financial and business.

Category:Financial Terms

International Securities Clearing Corporation

Category:Financial Terms

In the US, a power of attorney which, subject to conditions and safeguards, continues in force even.

Category:Financial Terms

Some unit trusts offer a floor price and guarantee their bid price will not be allowed to fall.

Category:Financial Terms

A note, issued to a person or company when goods are returned by them, which cancels the original.

Category:Financial Terms

The addition of a per unit tax onf Social Security), the Benefits Agency was replaced.

Category:Financial Terms

An axiom whose underlying message is that stock market prices rise when there are positive rumours.

Category:Financial Terms

The situation which exists when a person dies without making a will. The person is then said to have.

Category:Financial Terms