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Directly or indirectly taking the opposite side of a customer's order into the handling broker's own.

Category:Financial Terms

'Mutual' non-profit-making institutions set up to lend money to their members for house purchase..

Category:Financial Terms

A payment made out of a sense of moral rather than legal.

Category:Financial Terms

(Bridging loan) Term commonly applied to news wires carrying price and background information on securities and.

Category:Financial Terms

A four-sided option spread that involves a long call and a short put at one strike price as well as.

Category:Financial Terms

Securities which pay a fixed rate of interest. Government bonds (gilts) are the best known example..

Category:Financial Terms

A broker who buys and sells shares on the instructions of clients but who offers no advice about.

Category:Financial Terms

A Transferable Letter of Credit allows the beneficiary to pass on the benfit of a Letter of Credit to one or more third parties. Normally used by companies that source rather than produce goods.

Category:Financial Terms

International Securities Identification Number International code for a listed.

Category:Financial Terms

The amount which shareholders own in a publicly quoted company. Equity is the risk-bearing part.

Category:Financial Terms


Bank of England. The central bank of the United Kingdom, similar to the Federal reserve in the United States and.

Category:Financial Terms

A scheme set up to give limited financial protection to people with deposits in authorised banks.

Category:Financial Terms

(HRP)A scheme which preserves your rights to a basic state pension during periods when you are caring for.

Category:Financial Terms

A method of calculating the net asset value of a company, for example an investment trust, after.

Category:Financial Terms

Refers to a transaction made at a price lower than the preceding.

Category:Financial Terms

The price at which units in a unit trust are bought by investors. Also known as the offer.

Category:Financial Terms

Cat standards signify that a financial product meets certain standards on Charges, Access and.

Category:Financial Terms

(DRP)A plan which allows private investors to reinvest cash dividends from their investments cheaply.

Category:Financial Terms

See: 'National Insurance (NI).

Category:Financial Terms