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Financial Terms


(Delivered Ex Ship) (...Named Port of Destination):A Term of Sale where the seller fulfills his/her obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available to the buyer on board the ship, uncleared for import at the named port of destination. The se ...

(DAX)The index for the largest 30 German companies quoted on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

(DTB)The German derivatives exchange, where the bund, Euromark futures and Dax futures and options.

A freehold property given as a gift in a.

A method of calculating the net asset value of a company, for example an investment trust, after.

An international charge card enabling the holder to obtain goods and services without the need to.

A payment system in which the payer authorises the payee to take funds from his bank.

(DIP) Enables companies to deliver price sensitive announcements electronically to the London Stock.

The purchase of shares in an open end mutual fund directly from the fund company rather than through.

Taxes which are imposed directly on the individual paying them. Examples of direct taxation are.

The purchases and sales made by directors of shares in the publicly quoted companies for which.

Insurance which provides an income to policyholders when they are unable to work due to an.

The providing of all information by a company in accordance with the requirements of a regulatory.

The difference between the net asset value (NAV) per share of an investment trust and the share.

The interest rate at which the US Federal Reserve lends money to member.

The yield on a security purchased at a price below its face.

A formula closely related to Net Present Value which springs from the idea that

A mortgage which guarantees the interest rate charged will remain a set number of percentage points.

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