Financial TermsRSS

Financial Terms

US dollar currency deposited in banks outside the.

The markets in which eurocurrencies are traded, the largest being.

The current community - current members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,.

(ECU)A weighted average of European Community currencies with weighting tending to be proportional to a.

(EEC)The original economic community set up in 1957 by the 6 founder members ( France, West Germany,.

(EFTA) An association of countries (originally comprising Denmark, United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland,.

(EMS)The monetary system of the EC which attempts to reduce the currency variations between members. The.

An option which can only be exercised by the holder at expiry (unlike American style options which.

See 'European-style.

Purchase of a security without entitlement to current dividends, rights issues or scrip issues. .

A bond sold without the right to the next interest.

Purchase of shares without entitlement to current dividends. This entitlement remains with the.

A payment made out of a sense of moral rather than legal.

Purchase of shares without entitlement to current rights issues. This entitlement remains with the.

Purchase of shares without entitlement to current scrip issues. This entitlement remains with the.

This is an INCO term and explains what the price quoted represents and the responsibility of the buyer and seller in relaton to arranging for the various costs associated(e.g. insurance, freight, duties) with the shipment. It is normally used in road tran ...

Costs which affect a company's profit (or loss) which are associated with normal activities but are.

The specified amount a policyholder must bear before the insurers pay a claim. The inclusion of an.

(EDSP)The price which determines the price for physical delivery of the underlying instrument or the price.

(EFP)A transaction in which one party buys the physical commodity and simultaneously sells futures and.

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