

Lowest altitude in the atmosphere over a given location at which the air temperature is 0

Particle on which the freezing of water occurs.

Temperarure at which a liquid solidifies under any given set of conditions. It may or may not be the same as the melting point or the more rigidly defined true freezing point or (for water) ice point.

A type of modulation in which the frequency of a continuous radio carrier wave is varied in accordance with the properties of a second (modulating) wave.

Wind with a speed between 17 and 21 knots (19 and 24 mph); Beaufort scale number 5.

Wind with a speed between 34 and 40 knots (39 and 46 mph); Beaufort scale number 8.

Ice crystal deposits formed by sublimation (conversion of water vapor directly to ice) when temperature and dew point are below freezing.

An instrument for measuring the frost point of the atmosphere.


Frequency Shift Keying. A form of frequency modulation of a data signal performed by a modem for transmission over dedicated wire or phone lines.

Determined by weighing a special type of wooden stick that has been exposed in the woods, its weight being proportional to its contained water.

Based upon damage patterns, classifies twisters into six categories of wind speed (F0 thru F5), ranging from 40 to 318 mph estimated wind speed.

Operation mode of a communication circuit in which each end can simultaneously transmit and receive.

An increase or amplification. There are two general usages of the term in radar meteorology: (a) antenna gain (or gain factor) is the ratio of the power transmitted along the beam axis to that of an isotropic radiator transmitting the same total power; an ...

See gain.

Wind with a speed between 28 and 55 knots (32 and 63 mph); Beaufort scale numbers 7 through 10.

The unit of acceleration in the centimeter-gram-second system of units, equal to one cm per sec2. Commonly used in gravimetry.

A thermometer which utilizes the thermal properties of gas. There are two forms of this instrument: (a) a type in which the gas is kept at constant volume, and pressure is the thermometric property, and (b) a type in which the gas is kept at constant pres ...

An empirical curve relating stream discharge or stage at a point on a stream to discharge or stage at one or more upstream points and, possibly. to other parameters. Also called stage relation.

Wind with a speed between 7 and 10 knots (8 and 12 mph), Beaufort scale number 3.

That horizontal wind velocity at which the Coriolis acceleration exactly balances the horizontal pressure force. It is directed along contour lines or isobars.

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