

The interval between the lower and upper measuring limits of an instrument, i.e. a thermometer with a range of -35 to 50

An absolute temperature scale with the degree of the Fahrenheit scale and the zero point of the Kelvin scale. The freezing point of water equals 491.69

Contraction for radiosonde observation.

Same as rain-intensity gauge.

A method of winds aloft observation accomplished by tracking a balloon-borne radar target or radiosonde with either radar or a radio theodolite.

A special type of radar target, usually a comer reflector, tied beneath a free balloon and designed to be an efficient reflector of radio energy.

A method of upper air observation consisting of an evaluation of the wind speed and direction, temperature, pressure, and humidity aloft by means of a balloon-borne radiosonde tracked by radar or a radio theodolite.


Radio Direction Finder.

A definite portion of a stream channel, commonly taken between two gauging stations, but may be taken between any two specified points.

The actual time during which physical events take place.

A scale with the ice point at zero degrees and the boiling point of water at 80 degrees, with pressure of one atmosphere.

(1) The initial component or the sensing element of a measuring system. For example, the receiver of a rain gauge is the funnel which captures the rain and the receiver of a thermoelectric thermometer is the measuring thermocouple. (2) An instrument used ...

An instrument which automatically records the voltage applied to it, as a function of time.

A rain gauge which automatically records the amount of precipitation collected, as a function of time.

In general, the transformation of data from a "raw" form to some useable form. In meteorology, this often refers to the conversion of the observed value of an element to the value which it would theoretically have at some selected or standard level. The m ...

The range of operating conditions of a device within which operating influences are negligible. The range is usually narrow. Reference operating conditions are the conditions under which reference performance is stated and the base from which the values o ...

Upwarddirected solar radiation, reflected by the earth's surface and the atmosphere.

Same as mirror nephoscope.

A rainbow formed by light rays which have been reflected from an extended water surface. Not to be confused with a reflected rainbow whose image may be seen in a still body of water. The center of a reflection rainbow is at the same elevation as the sun b ...

Downward-facing pyranometer used for measuring reflected solar radiation.