Sea Words: All Listings RSS

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Capable of going to sea.

Category:Sea Words

Is the ratio of the thermodynamic work requirement in the cylinder to actual brake horsepower requirement.

Category:Sea Words

The after section of the propeller shaft.

Category:Sea Words

To stop, especially to stop work.

Category:Sea Words

The headstay on which jibs are hoisted

Category:Sea Words

Itemized list of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated.

Category:Sea Words

An assigned area in which containers are prepared for loading into a vessel, train, truck, or airplane or are stacked immediately after discharge from the vessel, train, truck, or airplane.

Category:Sea Words

Power as calculated from compressor-indicator diagrams.

Category:Sea Words

Person given a passage in one of H.M. ships; usually on compassionate grounds.

Category:Sea Words

A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gas.

Category:Sea Words

A restrictive tube used in a refrigeration system which restricts the flow of freon and allows pressure to build on one side and suction on the other. It is located between the condenser and the evaporator.

Category:Sea Words

Ropes used for hoisting gaffs and sails, and signal flags.

Category:Sea Words

A penalty charge against shippers or consignees for delaying carrier's equipment beyond allowed time. Demurrage applies to cargo; detention applies to equipment. See Per Diem.

Category:Sea Words

A shore that wind blows onto; it is best to stay well off a lee shore in a storm

Category:Sea Words

A writ issued by a court; requires that specific things be done.

Category:Sea Words

Contraction for Empty Repositioning. The movement of empty containers.

Category:Sea Words

A device consisting of a heat transfer system, a moisture elimination system and a refrigeration system designed to improve the quality of the air and reduce the temperature of the air.

Category:Sea Words

To receive goods from a foreign country.

Category:Sea Words

A filtering unit for vented enclosures installed to prevent dirt and foreign matter from entering the enclosure. Also prevents oil loss by retaining oil droplets and draining the oil back to the sump.

Category:Sea Words

Completely filled with water.

Category:Sea Words