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Category:Sea Words

A length of line or thin rope; A line used to attach a sail to a spar.

Category:Sea Words


Measuring point for compressor acceptance test. Temperature at the compressor inlet flange.

Category:Sea Words

A factor is an agent who will, at a discount (usually five to 8% of the gross), buy receivables.

Category:Sea Words

Good order and readiness.

Category:Sea Words


(Delivered Ex Ship) (...Named Port of Destination):A Term of Sale where the seller fulfills his/her obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available to the buyer on board the ship, uncleared for import at the named port of destination. The se ...

Category:Sea Words

Protection and indemnity insurance

Category:Sea Words


Fit and beautiful (describing a boat)

Category:Sea Words

A mast that is stepped (placed) on the keel at the bottom of the boat rather than on the deck. Keel stepped masts are considered sturdier than deck stepped masts.

Category:Sea Words

A small freshwater mollusk that was accidentally introduced to North American waters via ballast water from a transoceanic vessel. The zebra mussel has had significant negative economic and ecological effects: It clogs water intake pipes and attaches to a ...

Category:Sea Words

Any little handy contraption such as a scraper or sailmaker's palm, etc.

Category:Sea Words


Category:Sea Words

A light triangular or quadrilateral sail set over a gaff.

Category:Sea Words

A material made of tarred hemp or manila rope fibers, used for caulking seams of decks and sides of a wooden ship in order to make them watertight.

Category:Sea Words

an antiwear additive found in many types of hydraulic and lubricating fluids. Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate.

Category:Sea Words

Eastern Central Motor Carriers Association.

Category:Sea Words

UK Hydrographic Office abbreviations kgkg

Category:Sea Words

The extremities of a yard.

Category:Sea Words

A hand held rock drill worked by compressed air.

Category:Sea Words

The operation of temporarily holding two lines together by seizing.

Category:Sea Words