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Sea Words

A draft payable on demand upon presentation.

A draft that matures at a fixed or determinable time after presentation or acceptance.

The resistance to movement. (2) An anchor drags when its flukes do not hold.

Occurs when a valve does not close completely after popping and remains partly open until the pressure is further reduced.

A sea anchor contrived to keep a vessel's head to the wind and sea.

A device designed to remove surplus liquid from the compressed air system. Manual units range from petcock to a ball, gate or globe valve. Mechanical types consist of ball float. Electrical drains include solenoid type that is energized by a timer signal, ...

Depth to which a ship is immersed in water. The depth varies according to the design of the ship and will be greater or lesser depending not only on the weight of the ship and everything on board, but also on the density of the water in which the ship is ...

A partial refund of an import fee. Refund usually results because goods are re-exported from the country that collected the fee.

A bridge that can be raised vertically to allow boats to pass underneath.

The individual or firm that issues a draft and thus stands to receive payment.

Charge made for local hauling by dray or truck. Same as Cartage.

To decorate a ship with flags in celebration of certain occasions.

A display of national colors at all mastheads and the array of signal flags from bow to stern over the masthead (for special occasions and holidays).

Abbreviation for "Destination Rail Freight Station." Same as CFS at destination, except a DRFS is operated by the rail carrier participating in the shipment.

Speed or velocity of current (2) The leeway, or movement of the boat, when not under power, or when being pushed sideways while under power

Ice in an area containing several small pieces of floating ice, but with total water area exceeding total area of ice.

: Regular ship shaped vessel, production ship. Positioned by anchors or dynamic positioning. Has its own propulsion machinery.

Fitted with drilling rig (oil derrick with rotary drill and a mud pumping system), drilling for petroleum.

Is a pipe extending downward from the bottom of the airline to collect any condensation flow in the pipe.

A ship drives when her anchor fails to hold and she is at the mercy of wind and tide, or when she can make no progress against the wind.