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Steel disc, that is dogged down over a porthole to secure against breakage of the glass and to prevent light from showing through.

Category:Sea Words

Letters, numbers, and other symbols placed on cargo packages to facilitate identification. Also known as marks.

Category:Sea Words

Coasting Service and Home Trade limit Service.


The most common use of the term 'gearing' is to describe the level of a company's debt compared.

Category:Financial Terms

A coil of tungsten wire suspended in a vacuum or inert gas-filled bulb. When heated by electricity the tungsten "filament" glows.

Category:Energy Terms

The relationship of flow per unit area to differential pressure across a filter medium.

Category:Sea Words

A security such as a bond or note with specified interest, representing a loan which is repayable at.

Category:Financial Terms

A reaction in which there is a decrease in valence resulting from a gain in electrons. Contrast with oxidation.


Energy terms

Category:Sea Words

Gossip, usually about other people or events. The term scuttlebutt evolved from the name of a keg containing water and alcohol that sailors used to gather about before meals.

Category:Sea Words

The ratio of the percentage change in the quantity of a good or service demanded to the percentage change in the price.

Category:Energy Terms

Six feet. Comes from the Dutch word "fadom" which was the distance between fingertips of outstretched hands.A unit of measurement relating to the depth of water or to the length of line or cable; one fathom is 6 feet or 1.83 meters

Category:Sea Words

This compound of nitrogen and oxygen is formed by the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) which is produced by the combustion of solid fuels.

Category:Energy Terms

A graph representing the relationship between the power available from the wind and the wind speed. The power from the wind increases proportionally with the cube of the wind speed.

Category:Energy Terms

The legal right for a creditor to seize the assets of a debtor to satisfy an outstanding.

Category:Financial Terms

Incapable of being mixed without separation phases. Water and petroleum oil are immiscible under most conditions, although they can be made miscible with the addition of an emulsifier.

Category:Sea Words

An agreement to hold a carrier harmless with regard to a liability.

Category:Sea Words

The ratio of the existing amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature to the maximum amount that could exist at that temperature. Usually expressed in percent.


An instrument used for the determination of the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere.


Half of a sphere. On the globe hemispheres are used to describe the halves of the earth north or south of the equator.

Category:Sea Words