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Fast Rescue Boat


Pointed iron implement used in separating the strands of rope in splicing, marling, etc.

Category:Sea Words


Net Tons


The minimum temperature at which combustion of a solid or fluid can occur.

Category:Energy Terms

An apparatus, used in studying soil temperatures, for measuring the total supply of heat during a given period.


See: 'endowment.

Category:Financial Terms

Those causes of loss for which the carrier is not legally liable. The elemental risks of ocean transport.

Category:Sea Words




A method of lowering the sail in sections so that it can be reefed quickly.

Category:Sea Words

A pole used to assist in raising a tower.

Category:Energy Terms

A solar water or space-heating system in which solar energy is collected, and/or moved by natural convection without using pumps or fans. Passive systems are typically integral collector/storage (ICS; or batch collectors) or thermosyphon systems. The majo ...

Category:Energy Terms

A compressor belonging to the group of displacement reciprocating compressors.

Category:Sea Words

That portion of the atmosphere which is above the lower troposphere. Generally applied to levels above 850 mb.


An instrument for measuring the difference of the solar radiation falling on both sides of a horizontal surface from the whole hemisphere.


(1) To bind a line with marline, cord, twine, wire, or other "small stuff" to prevent accidental opening or unraveling (2) To freeze up, as a valve.

Category:Sea Words

To make life onboard for the crew as uncomfortable as possible, by keeping them at work at all hours, often unnecessarily.

Category:Sea Words

An order to stop; as, "Avast heaving!"

Category:Sea Words

To repeat an order for information to the crew.

Category:Sea Words

An income tax allowance which can be claimed if certain payments are being made to friendly.

Category:Financial Terms

A special coding used by employers when an employee's tax code is unknown. Individuals allocated.

Category:Financial Terms