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To transfer containers from one ship to another when both vessels are controlled by the same network (carrier) manager.

Category:Sea Words

Contraction for radiosonde observation.


A pocket sized pager with datascreen which can display a variety of financial information including.

Category:Financial Terms

A fund which is managed 'aggressively' to get maximum rates of returns by using derivatives and.

Category:Financial Terms


Integrated Tug Barge






Person In Charge


To let go.

Category:Sea Words

Any material that has a limited capacity for conducting an electric current. Certain semiconductors, including silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium telluride, are uniquely suited to the photovoltaic conversion process.

Category:Energy Terms

A filtering unit for vented enclosures installed to prevent dirt and foreign matter from entering the enclosure. Also prevents oil loss by retaining oil droplets and draining the oil back to the sump.

Category:Sea Words

The value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company. Usually.

Category:Financial Terms

Is any gas or gas mixture in which one or more of the constituents is at its saturated vapor pressure. The constituent at saturation pressure may or may not be water vapor.

Category:Sea Words

European Telecommunications



Frisian Shipyard Welgelegen. Netherlands



Cargo Tank


A slot into which the bolt rope or lugs in the luff of the sail are inserted to attach the sail.

Category:Sea Words

(IOC)A type of futures or option order which gives the trading crowd one opportunity to take the other.

Category:Financial Terms

The velocity of the gas in the passages between the filter units in the filter house of a gas filter.

Category:Sea Words