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A bow pivot line used in docking and undocking, or a dock line leading aft from the bow to prevent the boat from moving forward while made fast to a dock or pier.

Category:Sea Words

Energy that is transmitted by pressure waves in air or other materials and is the objective cause of the sensation of hearing.


(ETF)ETFs are a new kind of collective investment fund competing with investment trusts and unit.

Category:Financial Terms

The procedure by which a homeowner forfeits his property to the lender (mortgagee) following.

Category:Financial Terms

In a square rigged ship, the act of hauling the head sheets to windward and laying the head-yards flat aback in order to bring the ships head out of the wind while tacking. This is done when helm action alone is insufficient.

Category:Sea Words

The slowest speed at which a vessel steers.

Category:Sea Words

A moveable or fixed heater used to heat individual rooms.

Category:Energy Terms

The westerly distance in an arc from Aries, measured as an angle at the pole or as the intercepted arc of the equinoctial between the hour angle of Aries and the hour angle of the body.

Category:Sea Words

Said of a vessel that is firm, strong, and unlikely to develop leaks.

Category:Sea Words

To take in the slack and secure the standing rigging.

Category:Sea Words

In spray painting applications, Spray equipment which delivers material at a low pressure of no more than 10 PSI (at the air cap), however, with greater volume of air.

Category:Sea Words

A bolted rim used for attachment to another object.

Category:Sea Words

An electromechanical device composed of a coil of wire wound around a cylinder containing a bar or plunger, that when a current is applied to the coil, the electromotive force causes the plunger to move; a series of coils or wires used to produce a magnet ...

Category:Energy Terms

The legal transfer of real property (i.e. land and buildings) from one owner to another..

Category:Financial Terms

Contraction for pilot balloon observation.


Water service between two coasts; in the U.S., this usually refers to water service between the Atlantic and Pacific or Gulf Coasts.

Category:Sea Words

A buoy secured to a permanent anchor sunk deeply into the bottom.

Category:Sea Words

A breakwater used as a landing pier.

Category:Sea Words

A value used to estimate interior air cooling requirements (load) calculated as the number of degrees per day (over a specified period) that the daily average temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (or some other, specified base temperature). The dail ...

Category:Energy Terms

Bread that was supplied to ships before bakeries were introduced on board.

Category:Sea Words