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Radiation with wavelengths less than 4 microns.


The deck chest in which the bos'n keeps his deck gear.

Category:Sea Words

The tendency of a boat to move sideways in the water instead of along its heading due to the motion of currents or currents.

Category:Sea Words

British standard pipe tapered.

Category:Sea Words

A law to protect consumers and investors. It placed geographic restrictions on mergers and limitations on diversification into non-utility lines of business and takeovers of electric and gas utilities, and also established regulated monopoly markets or se ...

Category:Energy Terms

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (or Merc) was called the Chicago Butter and Egg Board until 1919 and.

Category:Financial Terms

The distribution of part of a company's earnings to shareholders, usually twice a year in the.

Category:Financial Terms

A small bag for carrying or stowing all personal articles.

Category:Sea Words

Old sailor's term for a flat calm with no wind.

Category:Sea Words

A rail service whereby rail cars carry containers stacked two high on specially operated unit trains. Each train includes up to 35 articulated multi-platform cars. Each car is comprised of 5 well-type platforms upon which containers can be stacked. No cha ...

Category:Sea Words

A company which owns a number of other companies with widely diversified.

Category:Financial Terms

The setting of the price (which then remains fixed) for forward dealing. This occurs at the time.

Category:Financial Terms

A large reinforced eye in the leech and clew of a sail that allows a line to fasten to it; e.g., the reef cringle and clew cringle.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A false keel. (2) The projection of the keel abaft the stern frame where the spindle of the rudder rests.

Category:Sea Words

The weight of water vapor in the air vapor mixture per pound of dry air.

Category:Sea Words

This rather grand term refers to various things that companies can do which affect the number of.

Category:Financial Terms

The cost price of an asset used to establish capital gains tax.

Category:Financial Terms

Ice broken into pieces, and projecting very little above sea level.

Category:Sea Words


The shape or design of a sail.

Category:Sea Words

A moment of time which could be measured by the shaking of a sail as a sailing ship comes into the wind.

Category:Sea Words