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Destroyed By Hurricane



Naval Vessel


The rope which goes round a sail, and to which the canvass is sewed.


The group of bits which a computer processes as a unit; often, 8 bits.


All (not just 98%) particles larger than the stated micron size have been removed from the fluid being filtered.

Category:Sea Words

An accelerated corrosion test for electrodeposits.

A reserve appliance; for example, a standby generator for a home or commercial building.

Category:Energy Terms

Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count


A colorless gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen used in refrigeration and in making of fertilizers and explosives. Found in some ambient air conditions.

Category:Sea Words

A type of compression where no heat is transferred to or from the gas during the compression process.

Category:Sea Words

The maximum load that a generating unit, power plant, or other electrical apparatus can carry under specified conditions for a given period of time, without exceeding its approved limits of temperature and stress.

Category:Energy Terms

A turbine in which the flow of a steam or gas is essentially parallel to the rotor axis.

Category:Energy Terms


Peru (Flag)


Area of a computer or other device where various logic and control elements are interconnected. Often a printed circuit board into which other circuit boards plug at right angles.


The angle a celestial body makes with the horizon.

Category:Sea Words

One of the main components of a company's Report and Accounts, the balance sheet provides a.

Category:Financial Terms

Placing a port on a vessel's itinerary because the volume of cargo offered at that port justifies the cost of routing the vessel.

Category:Sea Words


Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic


Same as luminous intensity.



India (Flag)
