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Medium earth orbit (satellite configuration)


The load that a power generation unit or other electrical apparatus or heating unit is rated by the manufacture to be able to meet or supply.

Category:Energy Terms

In the US, a person's income on which federal income tax is calculated. This is gross income less.

Category:Financial Terms

The turning of the blade of an oar from the vertical to the horizontal while it is being taken aback for the next stroke. This reduces the windage on the blade thus reducing the effort expended.

Category:Sea Words


Intermediate Fuel Oil


Removal of dissolved mineral matter, generally from water.

Hydrographic Chart Raster Format


In a sailing ship carrying multiple masts, the mast set closest to the stern.

Category:Sea Words

(1) A cathode, usuully corrugated to give variable current densities, that is plated at low current densities to preferentially remove impurities from a plating solution. (2) A substitute cathode that is used during adjustment of operating conditions.

Ad valorem.

Category:Sea Words

A river gauge in which a weight suspended on a wire is lowered to the water surface from a bridge or other overhead structure to measure the distance from a point of known elevation to the water surface.


In square-rigged vessels, short lines at the lower end of the futtock shrouds used to bring in the shrouds tighter to give room to brace the yards at a sharper angle when sailing close hauled.

Category:Sea Words

A medium-sized instrument shelter. It is a white louvered box with a flat double to of and is mounted four feet above the ground on a four-legged stand.


A generic term covering several processes applicable to steel that change the chemical composition of the surface layer by absorption of carbon, nitrogen, or a mixture of the two and, by diffusion, create a concentration gradient. The outer portion, or ca ...


Winter North Atlantic


See ferrite.

Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee



Voyage Data Recorder


Nickname for waves breaking into foam.

Category:Sea Words

The difference between the price of a futures contract and the spot or cash price. The item being.

Category:Financial Terms